Industry, Economic, General SET

PaulRen's picture

Speculate on answers desired for us to believe, vs outright telling un-truths!

Speculating around answers desired to be believed, and the telling of outright un-truths!

In a previous article called “Exchange of mails with a leading Thai broker CEO”  where I reported an actual LinkedIn exchange I had with a leading Thai broker-head. There I had asking some short questions, only to get outright wrong +...

PaulRen's picture

Thai intermediation of savings -is off the rails.

Thai intermediation of Savings is "off the rails".  Thai Investing/savings, to their own detriment, is often less than rational -by both Foreign and many Thai's.

In any capitalistic economy the so-called intermediation of savings/investment is a critical important core component of such a system.  It presumes that savers will broadly...

PaulRen's picture

Exchange of mails with a leading Thai broker CEO.

Messages exchange with a leading Thai broker CEO.

Below is an mail exchange I just had with a CEO of a major SET brokerage firm. This only came about because this CEO made a post questioning in frustration some of the cumbersome rules/quarantine and paper work required when he re-entered Thailand...

PaulRen's picture

Smaller taste's great and is less filling.

Here once again I dare to address the often -besides never reported- misunderstood reasons why size matters and is often a detriment when it comes to managing money. 

Below is a message I received from free-registered user which I chose to answer below as its often...

PaulRen's picture

Are all money managers over paid?

Some years ago some very astute money managers earned Yale University endowment fund billions of $ in investment returns on a fully diversified portfolios, that year. When they asked for their agreed 100 mill. fee, the University's "little old ladies" screamed highway robbery! So they fired those great money managers....

PaulRen's picture

Thai mid and smaller cap stocks rebounding allot.


Thai mid and smaller cap stocks rebounding allot -and then some.

As one can see from the below graph, I screenshot this morning at 10:30 AM, there has been a dramatic recovery in the Thai broad smaller/mid cap sector since around mid 2020, as this...

PaulRen's picture

Surprising to many, but not me, group of good stocks = preferred to cash-alternative.

Markets are forward looking, and they see the vaccine/saviour light at the end of the tunnel as well as Cash being debased over time, not least due to all the Govt.s money new printing.

The SET index has had a formidable run over the past couple of months....

PaulRen's picture

Thai IPO's -who knows?

Lots of self praise on Thai IPO's in the business press here and by the SET -before and after.

One key reason Thai IPO's do well on the first few trading days here is because Thai speculators' day traders, pounce on it only to sag later. But...

PaulRen's picture

SET lethargy drags on as expected.

The SET lethargically moves on, vacillating around currently 1340, well below 1400 on the index.  Just as I here expected/wrote in early June. When it peaked at 1430.

My view has not changed since as the reality is now setting in: Thailand beat the CV19 for...
