Industry, Economic, General SET

PaulRen's picture

On Thai warrants and creating shareholder value.

Ah.. Thai Warrants -and creating new shareholder value.

One of the things I have noticed over the years is how Thai listed companies mostly issue warrants which are too often deep-in-the-money.  Why?

With this is meant that the exercise/conversion price into new shares of their warrants, is well below...

PaulRen's picture

Know what you invest in is key. A 2 year assesement.

As viewed over time responsible investing with some guidelines and proper understanding remain a veritable proven way to create new wealth over the years.

There is and remains a defined group of determined and enabled individual investors which have long figured out that over...

PaulRen's picture

Own what you know during these uncertain times.

Markets hesitating. So own a basked of shares what you mostly know.

The SET and other markets in the region have stalled again not least because of the inflaming N. Korea situation. Some will say"Sell In May and Go Away" and many which justified "this time...

PaulRen's picture

US market predicts growth resurgance/Individual winners.

The coming uplift in the US economy should be good for a global growth resurgence in time.  Have and continue to find individual stock winners.

We all here continue to endure the boring Thai stock market for now while the US continues in its...

PaulRen's picture

2016 Year-end Reflections.

2016 Year-end Reflections.

The year 2016 turned out to be another challenging year even while its crystal clear today that it would have been a grave investor error to bail out of stocks in January 2016 as so many back then advocated. The...

PaulRen's picture

Nobody is as smart as all of us -but not on the SET.

The wake-up call from the US which so few saw coming as they were too close or too biased for all the right or wrong reasons.

Members here know I called the US likely D. Trump victory pretty much since the start of this year. Not because...

PaulRen's picture

An eventful week. I bow my head.

Anatomy on picking a mkt. bottom, or more like Thai confidence among the markets major reversal last week.  Humbly so, I just seems I was the grave dancer above the moribund consensus.

Last week was an eventful one in Thailand –in the most major...

PaulRen's picture

On this market latest jolt, what to bargain-hunt invest in?

The Thai stock market suddenly took a tumble, or a jolt as I lately warned could happen.

My view, as long term investor, is to endure the current latest market disorder and if you can focus/buy my new pruned list of growth stocks...

PaulRen's picture

Volatility, risks and rates of returns on solid picks holding up.

The new normal of sudden setbacks with strong stock picks outperforming.   Industry comments, short updates on select stocks.

Yesterday September 5th the SET endured another market jolt, the previous one being when the BREXIT event occurred a couple of months ago.  This as I have warned here will be increasing...
