While there remain little quality insights Thai content web pages, we spend time to search the "Net for relevant information on our subject. On April 3 & 4 2003, we completed for our membes only a master search & review of all Thai financial related web pages. The worthy links...
Big is what made companies successful in the old economy. Today, being big is often a liability, whereas innovation, agility, and organizational learning are the key variables for success."
Above quote is by Don Tapscott, in his excellent book:
"The Digital Economy". Published in 1996, by McGraw-Hill.
"Despite the unsolved economic problems and the falling Stock Exchange of Thailand, Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter and Securities One Plc. have optimistic views on small and medium sized stocks which are strong enough to weather the difficult period."The Nation Newspaper, (Business section) June 14th , 1997