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Beyond -meaningful real reforms need to take place here. has been about rational & value investing since 1997.  April 30 '2024 marked its 27th anniversary.  For over 2 years I here increasingly stated to remain overall Thai stocks bearish -due to the Thai economy slowing, lack of SET/Broker reforms & excess mkt. speculating -not least uninspiring politics.  Still no real catalyst in sight.  With my multicultural background and 40 years of professional investor experience I instead here make regular added value more global oriented unbiased comments.  Beyond  (See articles below).

We are not and never were investment nor financial advisors/nor fund managers,  just publishers of unbiased, experienced & long professional viewpoints with 40+years of investor experience.   "Integrity has always been my competitive advantage".    Picture here shows a medieval village in Burgundy, France visited last month.

July 9th  With the US stock market very extended, geopolitics dire and US elections in limbo -I remain of the view expecting a US market correction anytime before November 2024.

June 5th:  The global geopolitics war mongering, are going from bad to worse, with the US neocons/hegemony starting to get frantic on the reality of loosing its Ukraine/NATO expansion folie....,just as US very uncertain elections are looming. I remain of the view the US stock mkt. is in a rounding top in the making -and overvalued. Instead, have viewed accumulating select...

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China leads in the new-mega transforming technologies.

China has installed more robots than the rest of the world combined...quantum computing is an area of notable Chinese has the an explicit national strategy to be the world leader in AI by 2030. It has more of the worlds top 500 computers than anywhere/one else...China R&D spending was...

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Xiaomi DR’s, listed on Thai SET, my investor choice.

Xiaomi a DR’s, (depositor receipt) listed on Thai SET under the symbol of XIAOMI80, is my latest investor choice.

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US small caps hugely underperforming. Here is why.

The investor-world is run by ever larger mega institutions/funds -which crave big daily avg. volume in shares traded liquidity. It's their mantra...a necessary -required obsession. This is what has evolved, it is what it is.

It's one reason why US smaller stocks there have hugely underperformed for some time. If...

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Global affairs - A Broken promise

Here you can see, if interested, how the US & the West promised to new Russia that time there would be no NATO expansion, surely a broken promise which rightly so upset them:

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A comment on Bitcoin

On crypto/Bitcoin, One real problem in time is AI which along with Quantum computing emerging -which will be able to crack the crypto Bitcoin code in a few years. Not sure many know/think about this?

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