Repatriation of Capital.
Submitted by PaulRen on Sun, 24/07/2016 - 5:05pm

A former members writes me as follows: my investment strategy has changed....Also, I am not convinced that Thailand is conducive to free capital movement a) generally and b) with a government that can change the rules at a whim. I shan't be investing directly in Thailand, so I will not renew my subscription.
Here is how I answered: Thanks for the mail. I know I can help create new wealth here over time with my viewpoints and have been at it for over 25 years. Yet, not sure where you get the capital outward movement handicap worry, pense? As for as long as I have been at it here, even before, there has never been any problem regarding outward capital repatriation. Nor anybody doing it correctly reported to us they had a problems. As long as one can show the original capital was brought to Thailand to begin with, there are never any issues remitting back and this Thai tax free to individuals.
We heard this for already too long. Who talks such nonsense..Swiss or German bankers? This will not happen: as if so, would instantly flash the international biz. news and then no new foreign capital (institutional or individual) would ever flow into the Thai SET again. Like Thailand "shooting itself in the foot".