Industry, Economic, General SET

PaulRen's picture

List of 80 highest CG rated firms.

There are only 80 companies in Thailand with CG rating scores of 5, which is the highest.  80 out of over 650 listed SET firms Incl MAI).  Here below is the list, sorry if it does not show as well and its the last I can find which is dated...
PaulRen's picture

Changing times demand changing strategy.

It so makes less sense to try to cherry pick stocks here with increasing less information, broker aloofness around big caps & through their obsession with trading.  Then, lots of press-misinformation -besides no old or new IPO prospectuses in English.  Not least, the now much unreported...

PaulRen's picture

Thai Bank stocks, a short story of a long decline.

Thai bank stocks, often on prominent broker buy lists have lately fallen out of favor for all the right reasons, which I saw this coming since the founding of this web site in 1997.

PaulRen's picture

SET bullish but changing, for the worse.

Thai Stock market bullishness confined mostly to large cap stocks. Why?

The Thai stock market, like many others around the world, has been buoyant of late.  No least because of a perceived pick-up in Thai economic growth. Also because of the belief...

PaulRen's picture

Year 2018 looks better -but beware of Thai broker industry practices.

A recap toward year 2017's end -and a failing of the local brokerage industry.  Individual investors beware.

While the SET looks like it will be closing out year 2017 on a boring note, I remain pretty bullish into next year for all...

PaulRen's picture

Thai Broker shortcomings is discouraging Retail Investors.

Serious Thai brokerage Industry professional shortcomings is at last discouraging Retail Investors here.

We should all note how individual retail investors in the SET are taking a big drop off in numbers as compared to the recent and long past where over many years, these were...

PaulRen's picture

Thai IPO's -like everywhere-must accompany a legal and readible prospectus.

I like Thai IPO's but not the way they are offered.

Many of us are long foreign investors in Thai stocks. Occasionally some are offered new shares in an upcoming IPO, like recently of Gulf Energy.  


PaulRen's picture

The smaller, the worse performance of late.

The smaller the Thai stock the worse its relative performance of late.  But this will change and a catch up is soon likely.

Further to my just previous member article, see the below revealing graph, comparing the SET index to other lesser known SET indexes.

PaulRen's picture

Thai Stock Investor reality masked over the past 2 years.

The past 2 years on the SET index has seen some real divergence.  Hiding reality:  few largest cap. stocks have done very well, most all else has overall lagged.
