Updated graph on SET, vs. MAI and sSET indexes showing the divergence, yet bouncing back of late.
Here below is an updated graph showing the SET vs. MAI and sSET indexes, the latter being a good representation of the smaller cap Thai stocks which is a...
More on the how vs. the what to invest in. Part 2.
(Here is a slightly revised and better edited article I first meant to publish last weekend, only in not being able to uploaded due to an upgrade needed. Which was done this weekend. I...
Students and investors of stock markets know that the opposite often happens compared to what the majority in the market think. Its called the contrarian view. This makes sense because if most investor/traders sold out their positions on fear, they then express they are bearish (meaning they think...
Here are some SET/Broker poor practices addressed for long -but no changes. After a while some investors and capital may just give up, which is what many retail investors have done as the participating retail investors/numbers keep showing.
The brave new world of slow growth. Identifying 2 new high growth industries and choices, while scared of the third.
Pondering in a world of continued slow growth, low interest rates besides inflation and tame oil prices one has to ask ourselves as an investor what...
As I here wrote well over a year ago Thailand and its SET brokers are stuck in the "middle income trap" to say the least. Its totally unclear what can lift it out of that, as of now? Contrary to my viewpoint back then, so far Thai elections...