Lots of crying here now by many angry global investors whom failed to nail profits last year when US lead stock/bond markets were clearly exuberant. Surely its up to investors to at times demand some selling when mkts. are in a bubble. Regardless of the investor objective. Not just await the...
IF you can’t beat them, then don’t join them! Here is what I view doing rational investor wise.
I think the Thai stock market & practices has deteriorated, on various fronts overall, over the past say 7-8 years. I used to write about its various practice...
The cost of simultaneous interpreting has come way down in recent years, yet for the most part the SET and its listed companies are a "lame duck" on that, to their own detriment!
Recently I got this mail from a peron of some standing outside our industry which watched the movie “The Big Short” on Netflix. He was appalled and told me so as it stated its based on a “true story”.
Fallacies and incomplete conclusions on the investor front.
Recently I saw a 10 or 12-year graph which compared Bitcoin price movements to the price of Gold, what an incredible divergence. With Bitcoin soaring and gold basically doing very little in comparison. This can lead to the...
Coming persistent inflation is the big headline-worry at present, but I question this.
Many believe broad inflation will be persistent and on the increase well into next year and beyond. Is this a foregone conclusion? Iron-ore for example has dropped considerably in the past few months, copper as...
First step is to have a Thai bank account so to collect the dividends, as Thai brokers can't endorse e-dividends. As these are usually directly deposited to one's Thai Bank account. Then, separately one has to open a Thai broker account which requires a...
Below you can see the graph on how sSET Index, which represents "the price movement of common stocks apart from constituents in the SET50 Index and SET100 Index", performed, vs. SET benchmark index. This shown from the outset of Covit-19 April 1 2020, which was start of the lock downs. Nearly 3...