Industry, Economic, General SET

PaulRen's picture

The SET keeps languishing but longer term investors do not give up.

Mis or inadequate reporting by the western press for as long as I remember. What we don't know we just too often don't like.  3 new actionable ideas in 3 different sectors besides size.

PaulRen's picture

Hang in there but more cautious.

The SET keeps trying to work itself higher but with hesitation. There could be a jolt anytime as its appears fragile.  Yet both the Thai and US economy seem resurgent not least to low oil prices and hence I dare, to mostly hang in there along with cash on...

PaulRen's picture

Riding the Bull. The big views.

Here is an update viewed from a distance -with perspective. The SET is now a liquidity driven market were some larger cap stocks may well catch up to the long smaller cap stars. Ample liquidity besides recovering Thai economy along with reforms, lower oil prices and large infrastructure spending...

PaulRen's picture

Reflections, as this year comes to a close. Part 2

A year end e-mail/letter I just send to all registered Members early this morning -and so post it as the latest member article here as well.

PaulRen's picture

Reflections, as this year comes to a close.

Is it time to walk away from the SET and count one's yearly good gains to date, or is the message "never short a dull market",  as its been SET dull ever since late September 2014.   Here I try to add some perspective on my...

PaulRen's picture

Hang in there & move forward, contrast those others.

A turbulent week for us. But we move forward with good information and so conviction. The world over it seems: Hedge funds are closing shop in record numbers. 

PaulRen's picture

Is Thailand running out of natural gas all that alarming?

Here I just ask the question if in the next 5 years natural gas will be replaced by huge imports from the US, via LNG?

PaulRen's picture

Chinese/Thai Rail Mega Projects look increasingly likely.

The mega Chinese/Thai Rail project looks increasingly likely and we must all monitor any developments on that as its huge and some SET listed companies will benefit in a big way. 

PaulRen's picture

Watch interest rates, as this is the next catalyst. / Member lounge postings.

Going forward: The catalyst will be the behavior of interest rates.  Besides, regular postings in our member lounge for short but valuable tit-bits of timely actionable investor added value insights, as well as comments of general interest.  As none of us is as smart as all of us.
