Introduction Topics

PaulRen's picture

Investor comments from the recent past. Year 2020.

Investor apathy.   Beware in becoming or are already an investor "pre-mortem". Where one deliberately most only considers the worst case scenarios and so solely see and fear downside in any investment -resulting in never dare to take the plunge. Stuck in investor mediocrity for years, just as...

PaulRen's picture

Revenge of the Nerd. "Never let a good crisis go to waste."

The revenge of the Nerd.

"Never let a good crisis go to waste."  Thailand being reinvented in time.

Thailand is now changing, perhaps more then most other places.  Over the past 10 years or so mass tourism innuendoed this country. I will spare...

PaulRen's picture

Thai stock Investors.

Expat investors should demand English language prospectuses when being offered Thai IPO's. Demand their marketing officers look out and seek new wealth creation, vs. just view all investors as traders, which is not investing. Understand conflict of interest brokers and research reports inherently are part of. Realize Thailand has likely...

PaulRen's picture

As Govts print more money, cash should be debased in time.

A long member wrote me the following yesterday:  

"I've decided not to renew at the moment. I have pulled out most of my money from the market right now and will wait on the sidelines until the situation gets better. 
Governments continue to print money

PaulRen's picture

On the how in Thai stocks, vs. just the what.

Anatomy on the how in Thai stocks, vs. just the what. Here is one of more articles to come on this subject.

Pondering here into our rainy season, I just realized how many members over many years wrote me how they learned allot on how to...

PaulRen's picture

Market surge has been confined to least affected by CV19.

Reflecting some post the surprising to many stock market rebound.

The US -and to a good extend Thai stock market as well- has run up allot into the news that things, virus wise, seem to be getting better.  Its important to understand that in the US at least, most...

PaulRen's picture

Beware of SET stock investor broker deviances. CHO & SET emergency fund.

Be careful on new broker stock recommendations -and other traps.  Post Ante.

Already getting some mails of members asking "oh I missed it would you still buy at these higher prices".  This is always a trickery question and one I least like, because my view was...

PaulRen's picture

Daring making some predictions, post CV19.

Suddenly changing times, demand changed thinking.

Post CV19 I am not a fan on US stocks, I think they will recover some but their long market bravado has ended.  I think the US economy will endure a longer time to get fired up again and there will be...

PaulRen's picture

Investor strategy gone much astray, by staying out of stocks.

In recent years I’ve met some and read about increasing more high net worth individual investors having found their perceived smart high yield safe investments -in an ever lower interest rates paid world.  

Often, they are engaged in other activities/careers/hobbies and find themselves just bored...
