Introduction Topics

PaulRen's picture

Sunday morning out of the mist.

Some thoughts on the frontline of investing as of mid-August 2022.

Most stock markets have recovered some of late as I anticipated -and here wrote just before mid year. This after a bad 2 Q. when higher US interest rates along with oil price and the...

PaulRen's picture

My comprehensive insights on what I look for/consider/evaluate when picking a new stock idea.

Here for the first time, I share my own comprehensive insights/list on what I look for and consider/evaluate when picking a new Thai stock idea.  While much is subjective and never ending,  I try to summarize in this important article my list of what I consider important, along...

PaulRen's picture

US stocks likely in a bear market now vs. SE Asia a good place to be.

US stocks in a bear market -not likely to end soon.  SE Asia a good place to be but selectivity is key vs. just broad ETF's.

Lots of postings and comments lately by investor pro's on USA stocks getting slammed and where the bottom may be etc...I...

PaulRen's picture keeps delivering, since 1997. A short review.

A short review "down memory lane" of where I stand -and how keeps delivering, since 1997.

Up until last year, for many years before, I here stated and argued how the broad level of global interest rates would stay low and even drop more -and how...

PaulRen's picture

Low leverage and a disconnect to global troubles.

A great place for investors to be during the continued world turmoil.

As interest now rise, lead by the US, its more important then ever to gear investments in places/areas/companies which have low debt i.e. low leverage. Many companies in Thailand for one lead on this.  Especially select smaller cap...

PaulRen's picture

Hiding it out investor-wise, in Thai niche companies. With No correlation.

With the Putin assault/war going on in Ukraine and all that devastation and sorrow there, glad to be hiding-out investor-wise in Thai niche companies.

Have most of you noticed with this new war tragedy now, just about no news-media talks about covit-19 anymore.  Vs. up until exactly 4 weeks ago -it...

PaulRen's picture

On SET market correlation. What it may mean.

On SET market correlation. What it may mean when a stock moves closely with the SET index, or not.

It worth noting how PPM of late seems to move closely with the overall market. I.e. if the SET corrects, so does PPM -and visa versa.  There...

PaulRen's picture

Post Ukraine/Russia crisis -hang in there.

Post Ukraine/Russia tragedy. Longer term investors hang in there.

I am not likely to make any changes to my investor outlook or model portfolio, post the Ukraine/Russian fall out.  I duly note how the US market sold off nearly 900 points at the opening, only to...

PaulRen's picture

Thai market likely more resilient to US % rate rises and Ukraine stand off.

Thai stock market lasting reaction to US interest rate increases besides Russia/Ukraine standoff, like to be less severe.

For some time I have warned people privately and here on the over-hyped US tech stocks. Their glorious upward trend was finally broken as the NY 2022 started. It obviously...
