A major mkt. bottom is/has formed.

PaulRen's picture

We can see that even while Thai politics is, lets say and understate at a stalemate and disappointing, the SET, it looks like just refuses to go lower.  Ask yourselves why?  Markets are always forward looking and comparative, to investor alternatives. And these are not much rosier.  US horror politics, while very different, are equally in disarray, EU is flirting with recessions, drought, heat and other lethargies like huge govt. welfare payments, out of control.  Its so very fashionable to be negative these days, bad news travels fast. Often bad news has elements of fake news.  The stale price of Gold for some time now has not compensated the many opting out. 

There are companies growing, doing well, and at least here keep paying 8-10 times more in tax favored cash dividends then most alternatives like "money in Thai banks."  In the US one now gets around 4% on more competitive Bank savings accounts. In Thailand it remains stuck around 0.5%, very dismal.  Property is illiquid besides not divisible. In the next 2-3 weeks listed companies here will report their 2 Q earnings, I tend to think as mentioned before a major mkt. bottom is/has formed.  It may see that the worst is over.

 Best Regards,

Paul A. Renaud.