Letter II, to all the members, at this daring time, with the SET index flirting above with the what I view critical 645 support level. Nobody can call the outcome now but I think we are close to a resolution to the current major stand-off and that in time this is...
Select listed companies on the SET and MAI should now consider purchasing back some of their own shares, in the market place at low average prices. This is called treasury stock and is legal on local exchange rules with some stipulations.
Here are some back-office issues of conern to non-Thai investors whom reside outside of Thailand -and have wondered about Thai mail received and/or what to do with dividend checks send them.
Reminiscing into August on "what went wrong by us remaining long", into this sell off. How to rationally decide in a irrational investment market still too often led by US fallouts. Recent Thai legal events suggest a change of the past. Many investors will welcome this.
With the SET below 750 just now, there are no doubt some huge investment bargains among larger cap. SET stocks; not only the smaller cap growth companies I like to dwell on.
On web archived evidence, in how they confirm what many websites posted in the past, or not.
A call to not panic and remain invested in value shares. Here are some newer reasons why I for one view to hang in there. Sorry for not having seen this latest downdraft coming.
Truth, half truths and fallacies. Here I review how history got it wrong -and how the current gnomes in their high towers of high offices let us believe yet another fallacy. If any inflation is bad, near none is not good either. Prudence leading to over-prudence to their benefit.
Long term investors are a fussy bunch when it comes to data assumed correct but then turns out false. It induces a lack of confidence, when it should be the opposite. I so dare to ask: What is a stock exchange's principal function?