Industry, Economic, General SET

PaulRen's picture

Incomplete Investment Guide to Thailand.

Here is a book review on “Your Investment Guide to Thailand”,  a timely but unfortunately incomplete and lacking evaluation which got me fuming at moments as it commands a slightly negative overall bent at times -supported with some just plain missing, wrong and/or incomplete information.

PaulRen's picture

Inflation and higher interest rates not the topic "du jour".

Inflation this decade and likely in the near future is just not the topic du jour.  Gold and silver have been at best average long term investments -and beware of high fees bundled around other investment choices.

PaulRen's picture

A dash for gas, via LNG terminals.

Here is a review why electricity has an electrifying high volt future -and with what fuel source all this new electricity will likely be generated.  The investor member question here is how can we benefit from the LNG terminals boom, in the making.  To me STPI (13) is the answer.


PaulRen's picture

Investing always is in uncertain times.

The subject often comes up in-and-out of sophisticated circles:  what is your Thai stock investor strategy to deal with the continued political uncertainty and the other all to well known uncertainty”.

PaulRen's picture

Thailand in the middle of a massive economic shift.

The biggest winner of globalization has been East Asia -and China in particular. Today its clear that the western induced financial crisis is only accelerating the economic shift to Asia. Thailand is in between China and India, two of the world’s leading new emerging economies.  Take a longer term view even...

PaulRen's picture

An eventful year coming to an end.

As this year comes to a close here are some comments I want to share with my members.  A bit of a review and moving forward with still a bullish tone.  Taking some profits into the 4th Q as advocated, but not turning bearish.

PaulRen's picture

SET should move-up with Thai politics calming down.

The next couple of weeks or so will be most interesting as the opposition strong hold may well be running out of money as an important Thai cout case gets decided.  My view is it that is will go against him as there is just too much credible evidence at hand.  Of...

PaulRen's picture

Risks ever so exagerated by the Western dominated press.

The US$ is now on the “Chinese life support system.  China and India are now the unquestionable 2 economic power players -post the US induced financial crisis of 2007 to 2009.  If you took a map of Asia and then inverted it, comparing it with Europe, Thailand would so look...

PaulRen's picture

Uncertainty in Thailand overblown.

On the uncertainty in Thailand most often quietly mentioned.  Here is how I just answered a US newsletter on that.
