With the 3rd Quarter earnings out we see the Thai retail crowd is spending money. Here are some investor notes -and my own aspirations going forward. We are a great group of members, lets grow together!
Green energy is the future and millions of jobs besides huge capital gains will be generated to those at the forefront of this "mega trillion event", which will last decades. Here as of late 2010 I identify my picks. Carefully implemented over years, its likely to not only solve...
The fund business keeps exploding -and these guys would like all us individual investors to belive its the only right way to go about investing in stocks. To the masses average returns is good enough, but not to me.
Essential rare commodities in nearly all of the new green technologies are held by China and China now just about controls solar panels' manufacturing. They can and will undercut prices on these, anywhere.
Trading volume in Thai stocks is often mentioned as a concern which frightens novice investors. But is it, should it? Large investors want everybody to believe we have the same restrictions as they do. But we don't.
Post mid year reflections and excited to be back from a shortened holiday. Here are some reasons why the SET has remained buoyant despite its rise of late. Then keeping you valued members posted on my determined way forward -to all our benefit.