FSMART (12.30) is a quality Thai domestic play growth and dividend stock -with a good reputation. Posted at 2:25PM today. Its recent stock price drop is overdone in my view. I rate it an accumulate buy! I follow FSMART for some 3 years, visited them in person in the past, wrote it up as a...
Here are 2 postings made in our active member-only lounge December 2nd, 2022.
I still like SMD (8.60) this stock is now dirt cheap trading at a trailing p/e of only 5.5 with likely some continued dividends. SMD did report 0.30 EPS in the 3Q. despite the near total drop off of Covit testing...
“IF you can’t beat them, then don’t join them!" Part 2. TOG the winner.
In my last member article, I made investor things very clear to you all: “IF you can’t beat them, then don’t join them! Here is what I view doing rational investor wise”....
AUCT (9.90) Union Auction has done well for us of late, increasing to around 10 Baht from 9 -just when world markets drop and the SET is overall boring. This company reports very clear financials, pays a high dividend, does not own any real hard assets and just increased its price, surely car...
Remain super bullish on TOG (9.60), for new reasons just learned.
Even while we here have already done very well with this core choice since April 2020, my strong buy-view remains, here is why: Besides aging demographics and habit changes (more reading-online by billions) there is another little reported mass change going on: "THE...
Next week should be interesting for stock markets both here -and stemming from abroad. For us, a new stock idea I would invest in on any price correction.
On the one hand there is a tremendous amount of bearish sentiment around. Reliable biz. sources confirm that huge amount of capital is just...
Sometimes we notice things which at first view seems insignificant, yet could well be. Take an office higher level employee at a company which has been there for some years, yet earns (in Thailand) a relatively low salary. Surely he/she has some insights into how well or not the...
Investor wise glad to be hiding it out in select Thai smaller cap stocks. Greetings from Zurich-city center Switzerland. The situation in EU and Switzerland is far more dire now, as they predict sharp increases in energy costs, across the board this coming winter, due to cutting off oil/gas...
A rehash of PPM (4.12) and why I still much like it, investor wise.
Toward the end of last year, PPM’s MD and/or his rising son gave a solid interview in the Thai "Money Channel" and some other Thai biz newspaper stating how revenues would grow...