TOG (6.00) remains a favored small cap here. This company is a long established dominant exporter of glass/lenses increasingly benefiting from 4 distinct events. Massive new on-line time in key markets, aging demographics besides massive govt. handouts, wearing glasses is no longer the stigma -in fact increasingly a fashion statement by many.
STGT now has a number of key enhancers at present, which TopGlove does not it seems. Realize, STGT only hedges about 40% of its currency exposure. The company so will benefit from any further Baht vs. US$ weakness, as the Baht currency is/remains under pressure -due...
DIF, worth considering for high tax free 8.30% yield, which is actually a touch more as its paid-out Quarterly.
DIF (12.60) is an interesting high Quarterly income investor opportunity, in my view. This is the Digital Telecom fund which in recent quarters paid 0.261 Baht...
Select buy ideas on any further SET sell off, if you dare on a rainy day.
I expect the market to panic down some more today on the new increased political heat. The market is already very low and to a good extend discounts many unknowns...
ITEL, interesting growth stock at reasonable valuation during at present more dire times.
I like ITEL at current prices of around 2.88 just now. This hard working company last month signed a data service contract of late with KTB worth Bt 165m this lifted its backlog...