The sharpest commodities price boom ever recorded has come to a screeching halt...and it was all a bit naive for the bulls to think that rising prices would not mandated innovative changes. I could not in the past and can't see for now the imminent re-inflation...
We need to pay attention to what is going in the US -as it will affect all of us to one degree or another. Here I share some insights on this recent trip down the corridors of midwest USA which now is ending in Chicago.
We take a step back from the trees so to see the forest better. Here is some more data and comparisons which puts more light on the US, and its fiscal and budget deficit mess. Another impasse there -which again destabilized global markets. Here beyond the media, political and corporate hype are a few lines for us so to understand...
With the global economies recovering it seems wiser to me to bull ride the stock returns around resumed profitability on companies’, then to keep hoping gold will race much higher as this seems a speculative call and history is not in its favor.
The Wegelin report is how even non-US citizens and non-US residents could still end up having to pay some US estate taxes, if they owned as is defined US securities. This report will 'blow your socks off' as it will make you understand why non-US securites, the world over, will be more...
On dire long lasting conflicts of interest among banks and other financial intermediaries. My questions was asked on CNBC, but then not addressed in full by the guest. Here I review this issue one more time, for the record.
Fueling “angst” among the vulnerable in a fast uncertain and changing world is just as much “a crime” as selling investors US home mortgage bonds and derivative structured investment products, now on its knees.
Hoping for the worst, not the best.
For the doomsayers, too often the mission is to own gold and then hope...