Non Thai Articles

PaulRen's picture

Where should my financial center be?

High Net worth invididual Investors the world over have to ask themselves at some point, where should my financial center be? Where in the World is the investment excitment/opportunties likely to most persist? 

Where are transaction costs not excessive -and how to avoid the nasty so called retro-commissions which...

PaulRen's picture

Big Names, Big Losses, the bad Western Boys and Girls.

Over the past 10 years, four of all four boom-and-busts have come from the developed West. First, shame on corporate USA for generating it -and then on investor fool EU, for signing-up on it.

 A new global regulatory body should now be established to monitor those Western law making gnomes, who yet...

PaulRen's picture

Who left the door open?

With the US subprime market now in full crisis and many developed countries' savers getting pulled in some way form or shape, the obvious two questions are: 

 1) Why did the US leaders not see this one coming?    2) What else are they missing? What is the next US silent...

PaulRen's picture

Drought looming in South Western USA?

In the just previous member article I suggest that in select growth areas of the US, the sub-prime mortgage crisis is not as serious as in others.  I ask the question, with US housing prices coming down will there so not be a time to start considering this as an asset class down...

PaulRen's picture

The key global concern to resurgent Thai stocks.

Many global, as well as Thai stock investors alike now wonder if the US housing mortgage market scandal/correction will kick the wind out of stock-markets far away, like Thailand. A US recession in 2008? 

I continue to think not.  With the Thai elections increasingly closer and the economy likely to resurge...

PaulRen's picture

Swiss Bank retro-commissions, a conflict of interest.

A host of ever expanding services, products and investment alternatives; not the least -and just to name a few- are fancy derivatives, funds, ETF and a tray of other cooked-up choices only surpassed by their creative names. US Mortgage backed securties, now many sinking in value, are not far behind.  ...

PaulRen's picture

Swiss Bank retro-commissions, a conflict of interest.

A host of ever expanding services, products and investment alternatives; not the least -and just to name a few- are fancy derivatives, funds, ETF and a tray of other cooked-up choices only surpassed by their creative names. US Mortgage backed securties, now many sinking in value, are not far behind.  ...

PaulRen's picture

The commodity super bull cycle, I just don"t buy it.

A continued commodity super bull cycle? Or, just another bubble in the making. Inflation looks allot tamer to me then some others, as I explained in a previous article. Here I articulate more on why I am at best, a subdued & cautious commodities fan. Here is a wake-up call,...

PaulRen's picture

Are the inflation buggs going mad?

Here is the continuation of a recent exchange I had with Dr. Marc Faber whom seems convinced there are all kinds of price pressures building -and so justifies his super bullish case on Gold. As well as the continuation of the super-cycle on prices inflationi across just about all commodities....
