Non Thai Articles

PaulRen's picture

The commodity super bull cycle, I just don"t buy it.

A continued commodity super bull cycle? Or, just another bubble in the making. Inflation looks allot tamer to me then some others, as I explained in a previous article. Here I articulate more on why I am at best, a subdued & cautious commodities fan. Here is a wake-up call,...

PaulRen's picture

Are the inflation buggs going mad?

Here is the continuation of a recent exchange I had with Dr. Marc Faber whom seems convinced there are all kinds of price pressures building -and so justifies his super bullish case on Gold. As well as the continuation of the super-cycle on prices inflationi across just about all commodities....

PaulRen's picture

Questioning the new inflation bugs.

Here is a letter I just sent to Mr. Marc Faber, after viewing his 28 minute interview recently given in Zurich. (An original "member only" article, as posted here on November 1 '06 and made available for all). Mr. Faber is a noted dire Gold fan. And while I am...

PaulRen's picture

No commodities buff here, my contrarian view explained.

I remain guarded on the re-inflation theme advocated or feared by so many investors. China is exporting deflation in manufactured/consumer products -and this trend will only get better in the medium term -as the global super discount centers must and will clip their fat margins. Inflationary beneficiary bugs, be on...

PaulRen's picture

The East Asian Summit

East Asian economic winds are blowing stronger then ever before.

The new East Asian Summit will be the first time so many Asian countries are holiding a political gathering without the presence of the United States -or any other great power.

The region has now accumulated $2.5 trillion of foreign exchange reserves compared...

PaulRen's picture

Beware of Christmas 2006.

There is a new risk looming over the global economy at the start of 2006.

The risk is a sharp slowing in the growth rate of U.S. consumer spending. The Federal Reserve is committed to a policy of monetary restraint which is going to sharply curtail the inflation rate...

PaulRen's picture

US Options -an interesting high income strategy.

Buying put and call options is a risky endeavor with potentially unlimited gains while the risk is limited to loosing all amount originally invested. But if you do the opposite and write puts and calls, a whole new dimmension comes to light.  Here I review my own views on writing options, not...

PaulRen's picture

Citi Never Sleeps.

Self-regulation without strict enforcement is a fiasco.  The banking sector needs more (not less) regulatory and supervisory measures not only because of its vital contribution to the economic development but also to prevent the emergence of casino capitalism at the global scale.


PaulRen's picture

Will China’s Credit Crunch Produce a Hard Landing?

We were asked to take this article down by the contributing author David Hale, due to it not being the final version of the article.  We hope that in the future we can re-post the finished copy when it is complete.

Best Regards,
