Non Thai Articles

PaulRen's picture

A Global View from Asia

The current malaise will make SE Asia stronger by year 2000.

 Things are going exceptionally well in the U.S. For sure the high Stock market reflects this. Investors in the U.S. market seem the need to first see some "real clouds", before running to cash. There may not be...

PaulRen's picture

Emerging Markets... Emerging Markets will keep attracting ever increasing sums o

Despite the soaring U.S. stock market, the increasingly clear message from North America is: own foreign stocks ! Foreign stocks count for some 60% of world stock market value and the still often inward looking U.S., is getting the message.

PaulRen's picture

What is meant by "Top Down" International Investing!

International investment decisions by the prominent mutual funds, are primarily done as is called: "top down".
