Global dire concerns are destabilizing while increasing.
The increasingly worrying issue is that if anything major goes wrong in the World, yet again, most all flights would be canceled, and strict lockdowns may be brought on again?....Who knows. Then if one happens to travel one may/could get stuck...
China has installed more robots than the rest of the world combined...quantum computing is an area of notable Chinese has the an explicit national strategy to be the world leader in AI by 2030. It has more of the worlds top 500 computers than anywhere/one else...China R&D spending was...
The investor-world is run by ever larger mega institutions/funds -which crave big daily avg. volume in shares traded liquidity. It's their mantra...a necessary -required obsession. This is what has evolved, it is what it is. It's one reason why US smaller stocks there have hugely underperformed for some time....
Here you can see, if interested, how the US & the West promised to new Russia that time there would be no NATO expansion, surely a broken promise which rightly so upset them:
On crypto/Bitcoin, One real problem in time is AI which along with Quantum computing emerging -which will be able to crack the crypto Bitcoin code in a few years. Not sure many know/think about this?
Global balance of power has shifted, but few in the Western press have noticed or say willing to acknowledged this. Even while the Global South and BRICS is emerging in a bigger way then most realize.
1) be very aware of conflicts of interest, where a financial institution or bank promotes their in-house perhaps less than competitive investor/products. At times with high commissions or mgt. fees.