More sane news out of Germany -of late.

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Non Thai Article

Recent elections in Saxony and Thuringia in Germany show they are fed-up with this Pro-War way of their national government. Big victories for not only the right-wing AfD but also the new Left-Wing BSW parties are testimony to that. This so gives the foreign policy makers in these parties' more weight.

The "Berliner Zeitung" just interviewed BSW's main foreign policy thinker, Ms. Sevim Dagdelen (member of the German parliament), where she outlines the positions of her party and vows "we will not bow down" to the dictates of the NATO warmongers. Some good news as sanity seems to be emerging more and more, at last. 

More and more are starting to get it how insane and destructive the US lead NATO-expansion war-mongers are; by pointing the finger at Putin, four fingers point back at them.

Best Regards,

Paul A. Renaud.