Unit 10. A member investing community club -to enhance our common interest and understanding.
"None of us is as smart as all of us". Members here regularly contribute their own insights, good questions and/or observations. This site over the years has cultivated a number of astute investors which share their own from time to time. I monitor this daily -and give my own feedback, or elaborate through our active state of the art member-lounge. Integrity is my competitive advantage here -which is what I deliver since 1997, As individuals we have some investor advantages which we should understand, cultivate, take advantage and so benefit from. Nobody has a monopoly on good ideas, and regular fresh investor ideas to members is a primary objective here.
We are a sort smart investor club where we stick together through the sharing of our own investor experience with me at the helm. If there is an industry abnormality or abusive practice I have no problem pointing this out, as I have in the past. I also have corrected broker analysts at times to let them know other smart and informed investors are watching. If any of our members have a set back, problem or bad experience they are welcome to write me directly or post to our member lounge where I will investigate the issues. Call it sort of mini-investor protection through the power of sharing here at thaistocksa.com -with my long experienced professional background at the helm.
As with anything worthwhile in life, members have to invest an annual contribution along with some time reading and evaluating the opinions posted here. In time they can learn allot -and so become better investors, a life long positive. The long track record here shows that through ups and downs, superior returns can and have been fairly regularly achieved with 2017 to 2019 being a set back. By becoming a contributing member you are taking the first wise step by investing in knowledge and know how -not just overall good ideas. This so, before investing your hard earned capital/savings.
Paul A. Renaud https://thaistocks.com Click here if you want to provide feedback about this unit. Click here to join Thaistocks as a contributing member