April is a time for reflection and embracing a silver lining during this gloom.

PaulRen's picture

What lots of fund managers forget or don't understand is that April is a time of the year where not much gets done anyway.  Its the traditional big holiday Thai new Year time, and most of the country closes down. Try to get anything done in Thailand any year in April, and you will be frustrated.  Its the school summer holidays as well, so all at once.  April is the hottest month of the year and people/factories/business close down.  Hence this lock-down period now is hardly as disruptive as it looks to outsiders, or as it is in other countries.  Not to downplay the misery and seriousness of it all, but fact is it could have not come at a better time.  Thai's will use this period to clean up, catch up, spend time with the family and do some things they never otherwise never had time for, including reflecting and appreciating what life they had before, only to return to some normalcy soon.  In recent years there has been an abundance on overbuilding of hotel rooms, many by foreign money, besides overzealous tourist biz., to no end.  This created chock points, pollution, crowding, stress and huge traffic jams not least on tourist buses & vans. Much of Nature got a break!   Even while many good people are suffering to some degree or others, this cleansing and shake-up created a wake-up call which has some silver linings.  Also, the Thai broker industry needed some shake-up and a pruning, and they at last got it.