Dragons Den, our Member forum

PaulRen's picture
Special Announcements

We invite all members to post in our 'Dragons Den' member forum. 

The member forums can be a great source of information and viewpoints, not just from Paul Renaud but from all other members as well.  We have added a new topic titled "Ask Paul" and "Timely ideas",  which is geared for those members who do not want to post questions because they believe their investment experience isn't high enough.  All levels of questions will be answered here, so don't be afraid to ask.  We are encouraging all members of all levels of investment experience to post in the forum, it makes a better site for all of us.

A quick review on how to read and make postings:

- The member forum is divided into six categories of discussions i.e Thai Stocks, Thai Economy, etc., click on the category you want to read and you will see all of the current discussions along with how many replies each discussion has -and when the last post was made.

- If you want to add another discussion to a category just click on the 'New Topic' link within the particular category, and then make your posting.

- If you are reading a current discussion there is no need to click on anything to reply, just scroll down to the bottom of the discussion and add your post in the "Quick Reply" box.

- The forum keeps track of what postings you read, if there is a new posting in a category or discussion that you have not read then the icon for the category or discussion will be orange, otherwise it will be blue.  This will save you time as you won't have to scroll through all categories and discussions looking for new postings. 

- The private messaging (pm) system within the forum is working.  If you feel a question or comment is more appropriate to be kept private just click in the little "PM" link on the bottom of any posting made by the person you want to contact.  When you receive a private message a pop-up box will appear.

We hope more members will become more active in the forums.  Don't be afraid to post your views and opinions because they are highly valued by us and other members.

Best Regards,

Paul A. Renaud. 
