Yearly Membership at Thaistocks

Thank you for your visit today! July 30 2022.
If you are a responsible & prudent medium to longer term investor you here found the right group. We are first and foremost an intelligent investor club, focused on prudent value investing over time. Our primary goal is to help individual investors.
Most recent articles, company visits besides the currently running model portfolios' and the member-forum are free to all registered users. We offer free select articles to registered users often a few weeks after initial publication. I here contribute to help our industry and responsible investors alike since April 1997. In our member-forum, members can post short questions usually answered in 24 hours.
I will help you to become a more astute and responsible Thai stock investor that is if you spend some quality time here. Any Thai stocks problem, snag or irregularity or broker abuse etc..members can e-mail us and we will help & investigate if warranted. Its our collective venue and my long contribution to this profession.
Most of all we are investor performance driven. You don't have to be an expert as we help you with my on location long experience.
Remember what Mr. Ferrari said:
"I don't know anything about engines, for that I have my engineers." Enzo Ferrari .
I take time & effort to share with our members my on going strategy and viewpoints, full time. We do not provide individual financial advice, recommendation -nor portfolio reviews. Nor run this web site for profit.
"Its beyond member money here its about help making a difference and contributing in the way I can, in this turbulent world, where so many don’t know what to do with their hard earned savings. Creating new wealth is one form of art." Paul A. Renaud. December 27th 2014.
I strive for excellence to those who value my long experience. This through sharing local market investor intelligence -well beyond the broker or press reports. Unlike so many others, I regularly visit company senior management with personal interviews to help us all here. is an uninterrupted free service since April of 1997. 25 years, or the longest contiunesly running web site in Thailand. (July 2022).
Thai stocks value investing for the medium term has been most rewarding and through the long track record here, we show this again and again over many years.
Members receive all at the same time an auto-email informing them with the direct link. At our member-only lounge we have a topic called "timely ideas" where I post timely & actionable view points or choices I like now. Time and energy is spent to help get Thai stocks investor-empowered! Aiming and often achieving far above average returns.
Question or comments with a short introduction of yourself, please e- mail me at directly.
Best Regards,
Paul A. Renaud
Renaud & Associates Ltd.
Unbiased Thai Equity Research.
Paul A. Renaud.
- from Morgan Stanley, USA - to over 25 years on location full time analyzing the Thai Stock Market.