Trump may be a triumph for SE Asia.

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Trump's proposed changes may be a triumph for SE Asia.

As Mr. Trump continues to lead in US politics its not unreasonable to expect he just may go all the way?  Or, at least is having some influence on some real changes coming; despite the many elite nay-sayers whom want the status quo to stay.  The press keeps dwelling what it will take for Mr. Trump to fall, instead of increasingly asking why he is rising so strong, for so long.

Trump has mentioned all along he would slap steep import  tariffs on China and Mexico -and perhaps Japan.  Mexico has a 50 Bill.US$ trade deficit, and China 500 Bill US$, with the US.  (This could be one reason why the Chinese market continues to drop?).  The Mexican Peso currency has lost 35% vs. the US, over the past 12 months and their stock market is lackluster.

Could such an eventual outcome be a rejuvenation of SE Asia which so then would suddenly be far more competitive envers China as it would escape such tariffs.

Best Regards,

Paul A. Renaud.