REITs are the next hot investment vehicles in Asia

PaulRen's picture
This article is in Thai language. A short summary of the article is included below, prepared by Paul Renaud. There is also a link leading to the Thai script article.

This article describes in some detail the very strongly rising popularity of Real Estate Investment Trusts. (REIT). It describes the very upbeat momentum and popularity such funds have already received around the region. Billions of USD have already been raised. These tax favored (REIT) funds are already doing very well in Japan, S.Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore.

The article goes on to describe why they will be equally popular in Thailand, as they are all around this region Thailand, Malaysia and Taiwan are intensely focusing on getting more of REITs listed on the market because they much agree that these new investment vehicles with their high yield and lower market risk is precisely what more savers want/demand.

Many millions of investors in this region are desperately looking for solid and safer alternatives to the pervasive day trading almost all brokers here advocate and refuse to change. It is a bit of a mystery to us at why English Thai research or other various business publications have barely mentioned this new super trend towards REIT's. As the time surely has come.

*** From Paul Renaud.

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