Qualitative vs. Quantitative

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Qualitative vs. Quantitative, on location.

For many years I have regularly visited listed companies which I found of interest due to a variety of reasons.  I would estimate to have visited to so-called one on one interviews, over 180 companies over the past 18 years.  This is an essential feature of my qualitative insights on location vs. quantitative analysis from afar. 

Company visits are an essential part on getting in person, on location qualitative insights vs. quantitative analysis from afar.  Company visits in person allow for the personal connection and evaluation on how conservative or not, the firm is.  This along with other nuances impossible to asses by phone or through research.  With my multicultural background I can also so attempt to assess the likelihood of legitimacy, integrity and more around the company and its management. But it would be a mistake to conclude that "the more visits the better", as one only needs a few good ideas a year to make a big investor performance difference...too many visits can dilute or even confuse all this.  Also, sometimes a company which is not so good but getting better can be a good choice discovered through a visit,  vs. a great company (at high valuation) which may be loosing part of its allure can be a lesser good  investor choice.  Is Apple Computer may be at this stage?

Sometimes a visit can result in the wrong impression or outright being mislead.  While this is a bit of a risk, I have found over the years it to be rare and far in between.  I mention at the outset to any visit that I operate on the international standard and will point out at my website if this happens...and I do and have in the past.

Company visits have allowed to establish a rapport with senior management.  A so better understanding on the choices I like and why;  which I then here share with members the reasoning why.

Best Regards,

Paul A. Renaud.