My El Camino Hike -from Porto Portugal, to Santiago Galicia, Spain.

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Non Thai Article

So I went on the El Camino Hike from Portugal to Santiago, Galicia, Spain.

As many of you here know I endured a heart ailment in November of 2022.  Where I collapsed in the jungle on a hike with a group, which then saved me. Getting me to the Hospital in an ambulance -withing barely 60 minutes.  The Cardio great Thai Doc. Joe,  saved my life as well, by inserting 3 stents into my heart -within the following hour.  He then told me “its all fixed”.   But of course, need to be on some blood thinning medication a least a year.  I've had regular 3-month check-ups since and all is well…and took up the jungle hiking again barely and in strides, not even a month later -increasing from there.

Today, 6 months later,  I think I am more fit then ever before!  Sorry to beep my horn, but nobody else is.

In Feb. with gusto, signed-up the 18 day El Camino Pilgrimage hike from Porto, Portugal to  Santiago De Compostela Spain, or some 280 km. total distance.  We started on cool early morning May 10 day, hiking some 5-7 hours just about every day, until the end.  Often taking only 1-2 daily brakes with a minimalist lunch. Ended it near months end.

Got two pair of great shoes and a back-pack with often fruit (cherries & dates and almonds) and sun cream -besides water!  The suitcases were auto-delivered to our 3-4 star hotel every night, without fault. With hiking sticks, anti blister cream besides high determination -kept it up without fault!   After a few days was starting to lose weigh

t “like a drunk sailor in a bar with loose change”.   The weather was very good, we never saw any rain only heavy north wind along the coast line (West Coast), so we decided to hike inwards/inland, all North.  Temperatures varied from 10 to 22 Celcius, perfect.  Regular hikers along the way, many of them Spanish speaking, always saying hello, "Buono Camino".  Lots of groups often of younger women which barely said hello or smiled, passing us regularly only to later see them nursing their feet with blisters.  Most of the time its on a long country trail, but at times also on the road when entering a Village….any daily hike longer then 5 hours, I found to be a real “ball buster”.  I.e. most days. 

Out of Porto, Portugal the trail was not so well market, but getting into Spain at Tui, was then very well marked, we only got lost 1-2 times -not bad. 

These, and there are several El Camino grand hikes (been going on for a thousand years mostly by Christian Monks), have become increasingly popular in recent years with thousands doing various ones, every year, every more.  The best time is late Spring and Autumn, as the July/August is hot -and crowded.  Winter is not recommended, cold & rainy and low season with many services along the way closed.  The problem now is they do not have enough hotel accommodations for the ever more whom want to partake from all over the world.  On arrival felt very good as if a shot of youth got into me, so then continued a few more days high up in the Swiss mountains at Vals. GR.   Never had any setbacks or health-issues or any other odd happenings or setbacks....

  Very happy to have undertaken this for a re-set!  Feel in better shape then maybe ever before? A real rejuvenation!  Just as Thailand now needs more then a re-set!    And if not, as mentioned I will sunset in style and in good health post very good investor returns of late.

Here I share some pictures of this “once a lifetime” hike plunged into with a French couple I got along very well, all the way. In Switzerland I was along.  BTW, I do speak just about perfect French, German and unlike in Thailand never had a communication problem.  One big problem in EU (and USA) post Covit is a lack of staff which is noticeable at times and can create some set backs, but did not dent much of this overall extraordinary endeavor.  

Best Regards,  & looking forward to significant positive Thai changes coming -which I remain very hopeful are in the making this year,  and if not I will enjoy my latest investor winners and stop all at -and retire in the sunset. Amen. 

  Paul A. Renaud.
   PS. I dare to here add, investor wise:  While I realize/recognize there were some real set backs, TOG (12) was a   total investment non-brainer to me!  I mean, here you had a long reputable company leading in its field with most   all  exports (so removed from Thai lethargy) besides a big beneficiary of global demographics & need for reading   glasses! “Myopia generation” as I wrote about last year.    Around 9 Baht for many months trading at a p/e of   barely  12, while yielding 6-7% dividends (!), and its earnings growing 20 to 30% yearly -and all the while continued   giving mgt. SET presentations which were also uploaded on YouTube.  Now why would one not overweight such a   great choice?!  BTW, TOG was I think the only stock in 26 years of which post its 50% rise from 6, I     expressly stated to members here to keep a solid buy-view on it at 9!   As I did and many here as well.    Congratulations to all TOG/AUCT shareholders.     (Picture on right is in Vals, GR, Switzerland were I saw some wolves.).