LVT's stock exchange reporting is inconsistent?

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Company Articles


Here is what I wrote LVT (2.40)  and the MAI stock exchange a couple of days ago -no answer received so far.

As its now presented LVT's reporting on new jobs is confusing and maybe not consistent with what they report to the Thai MAI, where they show no new jobs received? Are they not supposed to report to the exchange substantial and material information which they show at their web site? 

Its yet another example of our long complaint here with LVT on transparency, proper disclosure and IR. This as a MAI listed company.
Please See:][/url]

then see:][/url]
Further,  this seems changed from its previous procedure where LVT regularly announced to the MAI new jobs upon LCD (letter of credit) approval, versus now at the official MAI link not one new job is shown there.  Was there a sudden and un-announced change in this reporting, but only insiders would know I guess?
Not one new job is listed at the MAI news for LVT this year as of today, leaving all but the most astute/ or insider investor to know that there in fact are 44!    Shown as "SR NO" (whatever that is) 654 to 704 =44.   Is this good corporate governance/disclosure/fairness to all shareholders? 

While LVT company is doing well profitability wise, today we see again why many are dissatisfied shareholders regarding the proper and fair reporting on material information, but not at all on how to run their company.

Here is how one ex-director put it:

"Our respective views on LVT are not dissimiliar and I doubt that the
company will ever become transparent in its approach to corporate
governance- how can it when certain of its directors do not understand
what that means??"

We ask LVT to report to the MAI new jobs on hand -as they now do at their web site. I think this is also the MAI rule as new jobs along with their backlog are by all means "material information."  We have no further information on their backlog, as its not disclosed.
Best Regards,
Paul Renaud.

 PS.  If you agree with this oddity/nonsense, please write LVTs chairman and others at:,

And, or, the founding strong hold Mr. Nielsen at:

And or, directly to the MAI stock exchange president Mr. Chanitr: