Insider Selling on TIES.

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Company Articles
Khun Terapol Temsuk
Executive Director,
TIES, Thai Industrial Engineering Service Public Co.


Dear Khun Terapol,
It was good to speak with you by phone yesterday. 
After our meeting of two months ago I have already done some good explaining & research reporting about your company  to many investors.  As I liked your company for long term investments, and state so to my followers.
I still think TIES is a quality professional organisation in the engineering & contracting business; worthy of some long term investor attention, especially by individual investors' around the world. 
Many of my members and others today now have a better understanding of what Thai Industrial Engineering Service Co. is all about.  No doubt many are now your new shareholders as well.
Yet, one point of concern has been the continued selling by insiders of your stock.  This can be confusing and scary to investors, as they wonder why your large shareholders in your company keep regularly dribbling out your shares to the open market.  I understand what you told me regarding increasing the free float so to make your stock more widely held. 
However, I think some investors now don't know about the new supply or how endless it might be?  Since we met, every time your stock climbs higher insiders knock it down with more selling.  
Why the continued selling if your company has good prospects, some could legitimately ask?
For this reason I think it would be highly advisable you make a statement or explanation as to the status of further insider selling.  Along with further restraint in more insider selling. 
Should you continue the selling, then please consider making one large sale to a large investors, rather then here and there just dump the shares on the open market.
In fact I think it would be advisable, if I may say so, to stop all insider selling until your stock wakes-up and moves higher. Then surely one day the trading volume will come as well and further selling if so need to, would have less negative impact as it now has.
As is currently, larger and smaller investors in your company are simply scared to buy more of TIES shares as they just don't know where the end of your insider selling is, or the real reason? 
I am confident you take this as a professional opinion in a helpfull way.
Thanks for any feedback-opinion-answer you can share on this concern.
Best Regards,
Paul A. Renaud.
PS.  I look forward meeting with you when you next travel to Phuket. Thank you.