Hiding it out investor-wise, in Thai niche companies. With No correlation.
With the Putin assault/war going on in Ukraine and all that devastation and sorrow there, glad to be hiding-out investor-wise in Thai niche companies.
Have most of you noticed with this new war tragedy now, just about no news-media talks about covit-19 anymore. Vs. up until exactly 4 weeks ago -it seems it was all they talked about. In the meantime, and despite all the New Zealand strictest lock downs and crazy way over-the-top measures, more than anywhere else: NZ Covit new infections are presently rising more than just about anywhere in the World!
In the meantime, the US Fed. seems well behind the curve on interest rates. As last time consumer inflation was at similar levels the US Fed fund rate was around 7%. The past years has seen a swelling increase of the money supply there as elsewhere, along with mega Govt. spending. First, post to the N.Atlantic induced global financial crisis in 2008, then Covit-19 -and now the Russian war on Ukraine. Also, not least the US democrats are on a gigantic domestic mega spending program, student debt forgiveness and more. No wonder most people worry/wonder about how high inflation go, as it already has arrived. In time there will be far "too much paper money chasing too few goods", the price of energy (the world most important price) has just about doubled in just the past 6 months. Investors all over will have to increase their appetite for more risky investments; as just holding cash went from being insurance to now also a guaranteed yearly loss. At a current inflation rate of 7% (at present in the US) the average cost of things will double in 7-8 years! I am not predicting such a high inflation rate and actually believe in Thailand we are likely more shielded on this. But I will repeat: glad to be hiding, investor wise, in Thai niche companies with high dividends. Here is why:
Often people tell me, "oh no, not Thai stocks". This is such a misconception on various fronts. Fist of all many Thai companies are actually run by smart/able Thai biz. people whom know how to think, besides legally circumvent the known Thai obstacles (red tape, inept govt. etc). Second, while yes, these are listed in Thailand and in Thai Baht, many of my picks are so different -and have nothing to do with each other. Near no correlation. Just recap some examples: 1) None of them are in the more vulnerable, crowded, tourist biz. 2) So opposite to each other, like TOG is a near 95% exporter in eye care lenses (yes a global growth biz). PPM is all domestic play with now high growth in Solar energy, BCPG is a high green energy play in this still growing region. SMD is a Thai hospital medical equipment supplier and AUCT benefits/leader in auctioning on-line cars and more. ORI, a new generation innovative Thai property/logistics. Similarly different are all the others, like STA/STGT which are rather investor inexpensive, big cap stocks, besides high dividends. All so very different, all well run from what I can tell, all combined paying above the Thai current inflation rate in annual dividends. None of them have anything to with this new war which even EU is now being affected on, i.e sentiment tamed, sanctions, reappraisal and more. *
* Well, TOG (9.50) does exports some to the EU but its not likely to be affected much as its truly global in nature and its products are more defensive which benefit from an aging society, traveling less while reading more on-line. USA/AU/NZ, besides the Middle East are TOG's highest growth global markets. You can see its latest investor YouTube presenting at this link, its in Thai language but all graphs/tables are in English. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxEF7idnmFA