BCPG (12.90) for green energy/energy storage and more.

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Company Articles

BCPG (12.90) a model portfolio selection here in the green energy/energy storage and more...a likely  "hidden" gem, but may take some time to fruition. Hence my view is more like an accumulate buy, for longer term.  The hidden gem part is their mega Laos wind energy partake,  BCPG already does biz. in Laos.  Here is BCPG new release today,  "Investment in Lao PDR’s electricity business".  And take a look at this link for the full SET news release on this:   https://www.set.or.th/set/pdfnews.do?newsId=16450517670270&sequence=0

And here, for very good mgt. discussion on their latest news/year 2021 release and company projects.  If you want to get the know this company better and why I like it and why its my green energy choice on the SET. :  https://www.set.or.th/set/pdfnews.do?newsId=16450517668060&sequence=0

Paul A. Renaud.