Company Articles

PaulRen's picture

Guide to Thai Property Funds.

A Property Fund for Public Offering (PFPO) is a property fund publicly listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). Here is a complete listing of all listed Thai Real Estate Investment Funds. I am not aware of any other source which shows this in such a comprehensive format.

PaulRen's picture

A January rally, a single selection and falling long term interest rates recently.

I think a January rally should materialize next month.  While it is always good to have a diversity of stocks, below is one selection which I think might well do best -during the first part of next year.

Long term Thai interest rates have been declining recently.  If these...

PaulRen's picture

A member article from exactly one year ago.

Here is the exact member article from October 26 '04. I turned maximum bullish on Ticon on October 26, at then market price of 5.95.  Back then viewing it as "a very strong buy". During the next many months I pounded the table on this selection again and again and in fact it was...

PaulRen's picture

A micro cap with high growth, low valuation and decent dividend.

Exports numbers for Thailand recently are strong again and electronic seems to be a bit in vogue.  Here is an original member article first published on September 16 '05.

But I shy away from my old flavor KCE, due to high debts. Yet, SPPT (3.5) may just be a next neat...

PaulRen's picture

CPNRF fund, I say switch into the TFUND

TFUND (9.95) owns the factories and so is a superior fund in my view. Besides the current yield is higher on recent market trading prices -and there are no leaseholds issues. This shows  yet again why smaller is often more rewarding, when it comes to SET investing.

PaulRen's picture

Not all REIT’s are created equal!

Investors in new Thai REIT's here must be careful not to get into a possible long term "investor trap" of leased rather then owned properties.

Where the lease contract of properties held by a fund does not have a "sinking fund" provision. Some REIT’s long term lease rather then own...

PaulRen's picture

A review of my investment strategy, at mid-year.

Prime upper scale global real estate is in a bull market in select locations, which is most probably overextended in the US; but more like in the early to mid-cycle in various other desirable & select...

PaulRen's picture

Cooling down on Petrochemical stocks.

China is bringing on huge new capacity in this sector (namely ethylene) over the next few years, and far more then the country itself is in need of.  I think a similar situation is developing in Iran.  If oil prices peak, so will this sector. 

PaulRen's picture

Ticon ramblings" and a new 4th model portolio addition.

I have recently changed my view on Ticon from a "strong buy view below 10", to now a "buy view", at the current price of 9.70.  Read here why.  I still prominently feature Ticon in my model portfolio giving it a full 50% weighing with the other 50% going into...
