
PaulRen's picture

Financial Investor seminars, or sales pitches?

When/if attending so called Financial Investor seminars.

When attending so called financial seminars do these explain or at least touch on the often smaller cap. stocks investor advantage individuals can have?  Do they explain or at least touch on the often inept or outright conflict of interest many brokers/marketing officers may have towards retail investors?  Do they empower you, as seen from your investment interest;  or are they just gearing up toward selling you some new investor product?  These should be among the real tests on viability, credibility and objective validity of so called flourishing investor conferences...,yet too often turned into a sales pitch in disguise.

Paul A. Renaud.
PaulRen's picture

China's coming QE/Thai Renewable Energy

August 31 2015

In recent years there has been a virtual boom in renewable energy in Thailand.  Select companies' stock in this sector have tripled and more since say year 2012, surpassing the local index change by a huge margin.  But neither the EFT's nor Quant's would have picked these up,  as they came from basically nowhere. Thailand is the leader in renewable energy but none of the leading firms in this sector are so called large cap stocks, so they get all but ignored by the institutions.. to their peril.

August 25 2015.

In past years stock investors around the world have learned to be bullish on equities fueled by massive QE, first in the US, then in Japan and Europe. Today we know it was foolish to go against that mega-trend.  Ie. "Don't fight the Fed".  An old Wall Street saying.

China is now going on a massive EQ, or Equity QEasing.  Where it will reflate stock prices through massive EQeasing.  Will it so now be equally foolish to fight that trend by being China stocks bearish, at this point?  I tend to think so.  Let the bearish view ponder over this.

Paul A. Renaud.
PaulRen's picture

Beyond -until meaningful real reforms take place. has been about rational & value investing, since 1997.  April 30 '2024 marks its 27th anniversary which then will end my running this site due to lack of real SET reforms and offering this best-name & long lasting site/URL  For Sale.     

We are not and never were investment nor financial advisors/nor fund managers,  just publishers of unbiased, experienced & long professional viewpoints with 40+years of investor experience.  As always since 1997, I here only publish my own unbiased view points".  "Integrity has always been my competitive advantage".   

There is a tunnel-underpass here which is a bit narrow, so it clearly states "no motorbikes allowed".  Yet, just about every week there is an accident in there, almost always due to a motorbike crashing.  Then the whole tunnel shuts down sometimes for many hours.  Yet, Thai police are never present to fine the offenders (yes, foreigners as well).  So this sad-saga continues' week after week for years already: Tunnel closed, huge traffic congestion yet again all because violators do not get fined -coming out the tunnel.  And the tragedy continues. So for some time most responsible car drivers avoid this underpass as they never know if its closed again all due to violators not getting fined.  Similar on the Thai Stock exchange (SET) were violators (and brokers) hardly ever get fined.  And so "bad money chases out good", just as the good drivers then have...


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